Giving respite from scorching heat to commuters, more than 350 air-conditioned bus shelters have been opened for public use in more than 250 mass transit locations in the city. Right Angle Media, the company behind the $204.2 million project, today said the key benefits of air-conditioned bus shelters include improved air quality offering protection against vehicle emissions, as well as noise and air pollution. The shelters also give advertisers a unique mass broadcast medium. Director, Operations, at the Right Angle Media Jim Davies said, "Every shelter site is fitted with Right Angle Media's recycling units. These units include separate bins for glass, metal and plastic waste, which encourage commuters to be environment conscious."
The company employs a team of over 100 employees to maintain, clean and thoroughly check every shelter daily.
"The company has also signed up with Dubai's Road and Transport Authority (RTA) to set up 640 shelter sites. The project is scheduled to run for over ten years on a DBOT (Design, Build, Operate, Transfer) basis and will be run exclusively by Right Angle Media," Davies said.