All airport projects including greenfield projects would require environmental clearance (EC), according to the new draft National Environment Policy. Earlier, environmental clearance (EC) was required for new airports with an investment of more than Rs 100 crore and expansion projects with an investment of Rs 50 crore." Now, it is proposed that all airport projects will have to get environmental clearance (EC)"...It would seem appropriate for all greenfield projects and other airports in which a major expansion of area is taking place to require to take such clearance," the draft said. It, however, exempts the Airport Authority from EC for every construction project. Similarly, for port projects too the draft states that ECs would be required for all projects, those above 5 million tonnes at the central level and below that at the state level. All developmental activities in ports like deepening of channels, extension of existing berths, installation of equipment, improvement of rail and road network would require clearance. With regard to industrial estates and SEZs, the draft proposes to include all industrial complexes including SEZs within the purview of the notification if the complex houses any unit which by itself requires EC, irrespective of the size of the complex. However, industrial estates of less than 500 ha would not require any clearance and the exemption for small SEZs, particularly those housing gems and jewellery or biotech and IT units. |