On March 28, 2018 the Sebi board had approved 40-odd proposals of the Uday Kotak-headed Committee on Corporate Governance. A year on, corporate India is yet to comply with some of the key recommendations, especially those related to the board of directors, data by NSEinfobase.com, an offering of PRIME Database, a primary market tracker, shows.
Woman independent directors
Sebi decision:At least one woman independent director in the top 500 listed entities (by market capitalisation) by
April 1, 2019 and in the top 1,000 listed entities by April 1, 2020
March 28,’18
Woman independent directors
Sebi decision:At least one woman independent director in the top 500 listed entities (by market capitalisation) by
April 1, 2019 and in the top 1,000 listed entities by April 1, 2020
March 28,’18
- 155 firms of