On the eighth day of Anna Hazare's agitation, a concerned Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today directly reached out to him with an appeal for ending fast and a promise that his Jan Lok Pal Bill could be considered by Parliament along with the government draft.
In a letter to Hazare, Singh said the government would request Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar to refer the Team Hazare Bill to the Parliamentary Standing Committee which would then be formally asked to "fast track their deliberations to the extent reasonably feasible".
Singh said his government's objective with regard to tackling corruption was "identical" to that of Hazare and was ready to talk to anybody to enact a "constitutionally-valid and the best possible Lok Pal" while keeping in mind the Parliamentary supremacy and Constitutional obligations.
"Over the last few days, I have watched with increasing concern the state of your health," he wrote to the civil activist who is fasting at Ramlila Ground for a strong Lok Pal.
"Despite the differences between the Government and your team, I do not think that anybody is or should be in any doubt about the deep and abiding concern which I and our Government share about your health, arising from your continuing fast," the Prime Minister said.
The letter is actuated by the "twin considerations of deep and genuine concern about your health and the emergence of a strong and effective Lok Pal Act in accordance with established constitutional precept and practice," Singh said.
"I do hope that you will consider my suggestions and end your fast to regain full health and vitality," he wrote.