Worried over rising cost of diesel, a key raw material for fishing, the All Odisha Fish Producers Federation (AOFPF) has urged the state government to waive VAT (value added tax) on diesel used in the mechanised fishing boats.
“All mechanised boats fitted with inboard and outboard engines should be given exemption or reimbursement of VAT as being done by other maritime states of India. Due to rise in prices of diesel, the fishermen are unable to venture into the sea and explore new grounds for fishing”, said Kameswara Narayana Praharaja, President, AOFPF at a seminar on “Marine fishing prospects in India as well as Odisha and its impact on livelihood and economy”.
Though state government has announced lucrative schemes for the fish farmers for promotion of aquaculture, no scheme is mooted for the uplift of fishing boat owners, who play a pivotal role in improving the socio-economic status of the 6.5 lakh people depended on the sector, he added.
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For improving the fish stock, the association wanted the state government to prohibit all fishing boats (fitted with both inboard and outboard engines) to fish during the moratorium period between April 15 and May 31 in territorial waters in line with the Central government circular.
Similarly, to encourage fuel efficient and non-destructive fishing, Praharaja urged the government to make available two boats each, equipped with hooking and tuna long lining accessories, by providing 100 per cent assistance to the fishermen societies at Paradeep, Dhamra, Bahabalpur and Balaramgadi for demonstration purposes.
Odisha, which has coastline of 480 Kms produces about 1.20 lakh tonne of marine fish with a maximum sustainable yield capacity of 1.60 lakh tonne. The state exports about 23000 tonne of marine products valued at Rs 886 crore.
“The government will consider the suggestion made for waiver of VAT and the boat owners have been invited for discussion related to the taxation related issues”, said Prasanna Acharya, state finance minister. Speaking on the occasion, Debi Prasad Mishra, minister of agriculture, fisheries and animal resources development said, the scope of Biju Krushak Kalyan Yojana (BKKY) , earlier limited to agricultural farmers, will be extended to fishermen and dairy farmers.
“Total 65 lakh families are likely to be benefited from the health insurance scheme including 12 lakh fishermen families”, he added.