Public sector oil retailing firms had under recoveries of over Rs 5,860 crore in the first six weeks of current financial years due to non-revision of petrol, diesel, cooking gas and kerosene prices in line with the spurt in international oil prices and increase in duties, Indian Oil Corporation Chairman Sarthak Behuria said today. |
State-run IOC, Bharat Petroleum Corporation of India and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd together lost Rs 2,560 crore on diesel and Rs 569 crore on petrol, Behuria said at a seminar held here today. |
"The oil marketing companies are unable to recover even the purchase price of products, thus losing on sales. While the gross under-recovery on petrol, diesel, LPG and kerosene during first six weeks of the current year was nearly a fourth of the Rs 20,310 crore under-recovery during 2004-05," he added. |
He demanded a Rs 4.59 per litre hike in petrol prices to include Rs 2.52 per litre rise due to increase in excise duty. |
Similarly, diesel prices needed to be raised by Rs 4.97 per litre, including Rs 1.53 to accommodate the excise effect. |
Behuria said IOC's outstanding has jumped 75 per cent to about Rs 18,000 crore over the past year as the company borrowed money to meet its working capital requirement. |
He suggested that the cess on domestic crude oil (Rs 1,800 per tonne) be utilised for supporting oil marketing companies and excise duty be reduced to insulate the customers. |
Even private companies supported increase in petrol and diesel prices. Reliance Industries President P Raghavendran said the current international oil price rise was long term fundamental increase due to structural changes. |
"The only viable option for India is to pass this price increase to the final consumer," he said. |
Raghavendran said gross refinery and marketing margins on petrol had fallen from $17 a barrel in November 2004 when crude cost was $44.50 per barrel, to $5.8 per barrel when the crude cost $52.5 currently. |
The tax component, central and state taxes, have gone up from $71.90 a barrel to $ 98.1 on petrol and from $37.10 to $52.5 a barrel on diesel. |
CPI leader and Rajya Sabha member, Deepanker Mukherjee, however, said consumers should be insulated against any price rise. |
He added that the duty changes in the Budget was not revenue neutral and even the parliamentary standing committee had come to the same conclusion. |
He said that the government should consider roll back of the increase in the excise duty on petrol and diesel and put the decision to hike the road cess inn abeyance. |