Ahead of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Budget announcements on Saturday, Indian companies flag some of the promises made in the last Budget that remain unfulfilled. Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI)s, for instance, still await guidelines by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for investments in debt securities issued by infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS).
“Last Budget, the finance ministry announced that FPIs would be allowed to invest in debt securities issued by InvITs and REITs, but the guidelines of the same has not yet been issued,” said Harsh Shah, chief executive for India Grid Trust
“Last Budget, the finance ministry announced that FPIs would be allowed to invest in debt securities issued by InvITs and REITs, but the guidelines of the same has not yet been issued,” said Harsh Shah, chief executive for India Grid Trust