After his son lost in the recent Lok Sabha by-election, beleaguered Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna is likely to face fresh trouble from his opponents within the ruling Congress amid indications that the party high command is going in for a major shakeup in the state.
State Congress leaders have started a fresh campaign against Bahuguna, whose son Saket lost by 22,431 votes to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Mala Rajya Laxmi Shah in the Tehri by-election. The Congress leaders were not happy with the party’s choice of giving a ticket to Saket despite that fact that he got 223,141of the 511,499 cast. They are also fuming because Saket has publicly declared his candidature for the 2014 parliamentary election from Tehri, Congress sources said.
Moreover, former ministers Kishore Upadhayay and Shurvir Singh Sajwan are also not happy after they were being sidelined in the race for the Tehri by-election. On the other hand, the chief minister remains unperturbed but said he would review the outcome of the by-election.
“I will not blame any party leader but we will certainly review the party’s performance in Tehri,” said Bahuguna.
He also said that he would travel to New Delhi after being summoned by the party high command.
Among the changes that are likely to take place shortly, the party high command might remove Yashpal Arya, the state Congress chief.