Lenders flush with funds are less likely to use the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) special window of Rs 15,000 crore for contact-intensive sectors such as tourism and hospitality to ensure continued flow of liquidity to those hit by the second wave of Covid-19.
Lenders will now have their task cut out and need to ensure that large and better-rated entities do not corner all benefits. “They must see to it that those who are weak to withstand shocks get support. A repeat of the experience with the early version of targeted long-term repo operations (TLTRO) must be avoided,”
Lenders will now have their task cut out and need to ensure that large and better-rated entities do not corner all benefits. “They must see to it that those who are weak to withstand shocks get support. A repeat of the experience with the early version of targeted long-term repo operations (TLTRO) must be avoided,”