Business Standard

FY23 wheat stock may be robust despite exports, free grain scheme extension

However, traders say if free foodgrains scheme goes beyond September and there is another Covid wave that requires more relief, then the closing stock position could turn precarious


Sanjeeb Mukherjee New Delhi
The surge in wheat exports from India amid  the Russia-Ukraine crisis has raised concerns in some quarters about the status of wheat stocks in the central pool if procurement in FY23 falls sharply below the target.

However, several experts and market watchers say that most of these fears are unfounded, because even in a worst-case scenario, the total wheat inventory in the Central pool by the end of FY23 will be more than the mandated quantity of 7.5 million tonnes.

In the case of rice there is no such problem, as the Centre has ample stocks in its warehouses. This is also

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