Goa on Monday launched a Krishi Card, a digital card which would be a gateway for farmers to avail benefits like subsidies and loans given by the state government.
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar officially launched this card based on the database created by state agriculture department, at Porvorim near here. Parrikar said the introduction of the digitally coded card will spare the farmers from repeatedly producing the documents to avail subsidies. Around 10,000-15,000 farmers with the clear land holdings would benefit from the card during the first phase, followed by the landless agriculturists, the chief minister said.
Goa government plans to introduce similar cards to the fishermen and dairy farmers, which is conceptualised by state- run Goa Electronic Limited. The Chief Minister said that the farmers had to go through rigmarole of submitting the documents like affidavits every time they apply for the agro subsidy.
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The card will also make farmers eligible for the loan depending on their land holding. Parrikar said that the loan up to Rs 30,000 per annum for farmers owning minimum land of one hectare would be made available through various financial institutions that would be empanelled by the government.