Union minister Nitin Gadakri on Friday said that plans are afoot to take khadi and village industries turnover to Rs 2 trillion in the next five years from Rs 75,000 crore at present.
Urging the industry to expand its share in global trade to about 10 per cent, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Minister Gadkari also urged players to grab the opportunity to expand in the wake of China — that accounts for 17 per cent of the global trade business — battling increased cost and difficulties.
“The turnover of khadi and village industries is Rs 75,000
Urging the industry to expand its share in global trade to about 10 per cent, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Minister Gadkari also urged players to grab the opportunity to expand in the wake of China — that accounts for 17 per cent of the global trade business — battling increased cost and difficulties.
“The turnover of khadi and village industries is Rs 75,000