Going by what Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told Kashmiri leaders at the fourth roundtable conference today, it is clear that India and Pakistan are working towards making borders in Jammu and Kashmir irrelevant and transforming the region into a common socio-economic zone between the two countries. |
Singh also announced the setting up of a standing committee on the roundtable conference. The mechanism will coordinate the implementation of the recommendations of the four working groups on Kashmir. |
Referring to the working groups on confidence building measures (CBMs) on Kashmir, Singh said, "These, in my view, are extremely relevant if we have to move towards the goal of making borders and lines irrelevant and just lines on a map.'' |
In his inaugural address, Singh said resolving the Kashmir issue was not only in the interests of India and Pakistan but also vital for the long-lasting peace and economic prosperity of South Asia. |
"A harmonious neighbourhood and a reconciliation with Pakistan are important to realise the vision of an India and South Asia free from the fear of war, want and exploitation,'' he said. |
Singh said the government was committed to minimising human rights violations but made it clear that the cut in the number of troops in the state would depend on the reduction in the level of militant-related violence. |