The government will transfer about Rs 1.30 lakh crore directly into the accounts of beneficiaries under PMAY over a period of three years for construction of one crore houses, a top official today said.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), 60 per cent houses will be constructed for the homeless and those living in kachcha houses belonging to SC and ST communities, Rural Development Secretary Amarjeet Sinha told PTI.
"The work for selection and validation of beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana has been completed. The scheme will be on DBT (direct benefit transfer) mode that means the funds will be transferred directly into the bank accounts of beneficiaries in instalments over three years period," Sinha said.
The total outlay of the scheme, including central and state's share, is about Rs 1.30 lakh crore and the transfer of funds into the bank accounts of beneficiaries will start from next month and so do the construction, he added.
"To check diversion of funds and to ensure transparency, there will be geotagging of all houses which will be built under this scheme," Sinha said, adding that an online platform has also been created where all the required details of beneficiaries along with their pictures is being recorded.
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The government is ensuring and taking all necessary steps that the funds are not misused or diverted to the people who are not in the list, he added.
"The aim is to provide homes to the homeless or those who are staying in kachcha houses," Sinha said.
He informed that the government has provided training to 30,000 masons for construction of the houses which are being designed as per the respective local geography.
Under the Indira Awas Yojana, the government has constructed 7.7 lakh homes in last four months.