A day ahead of the countrywide roll-out of the electronic way (e-way) bill to plug revenue leakage in the goods and services tax (GST) regime, companies were trying to meet the new compliance requirement amid some reports of a crash on the portal in question.
Companies were seen to be grappling with system issues on the National Informatics Centre (NIC) portal over the past two days, in addition to the inconsistent intra-state roll-out across the country.
While all states will introduce the e-way bill system for inter-state movement of goods from Thursday, 13 of them will also mandate
Companies were seen to be grappling with system issues on the National Informatics Centre (NIC) portal over the past two days, in addition to the inconsistent intra-state roll-out across the country.
While all states will introduce the e-way bill system for inter-state movement of goods from Thursday, 13 of them will also mandate