The Election Commission of India on Friday issued the notification for the second phase of Gujarat assembly elections for 95 assembly constituencies. The polling for these seats are scheduled to be held on December 17, 2012.
"The notification for the second phase of the state assembly elections has been issued," state election commission officials said.
The second phase of polls will cover 95 constituencies mainly in Central and North Gujarat regions, including Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar districts.
The last date for filing the nominations is November 30 and the scrutiny of forms will take place on December 1, while the last date for withdrawal of candidature is December 3. Two major parties, Congress and BJP have announced the initial list of candidates for the first and second phases of polls. Congress has declared 52 candidates including 27 sitting MLAs, while BJP has given mandate to 88 candidates in its first list, which includes 38 sitting MLAs along with the chief minister, Narendra Modi.
The notification for the first phase of polls for 87 seats was issued on November 17.
NCP to contest nine seats
NCP on Friday announced the names of nine of its candidates including late 'Godmother' Santokben Jadeja's son Kandhal, for the Gujarat assembly polls, which is being fought by the party in alliance with the Congress.