Business Standard

Gujarat model's failure explains why economy is important in upcoming polls

PM Modi's multiple favours given to large industry as part of strategy of encouraging industrialisation also meant that Gujarat was one of the states where 'crony capitalism' flourished

Narendra Modi

Much of PM's time is likely to be spent in Gujarat in November and December

Jayati Ghosh | The Wire
By now, almost everyone in the country knows the one thing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the team around him excel in – the art of public relations and media management. This is the reason that the ‘Gujarat model’ of handling a state’s economy became such a major talking point in the run-up to the 2014 general elections. This model was widely projected across major media as a huge success in delivering both growth and development, even though that Gujarat’s performance was at best middling among all states, and in some cases, actually lagged behind in crucial indicators.
The myth of

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