The Haryana government on Friday revised the legal minimum wage in the state by 29 per cent wage for unskilled and 48 per cent for highly skilled workers. The rise will be effective from November 1.
In a press statement, the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), affiliated to the Sangh Parivar, lauded the step taken by the state government.
Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced the decision after paying tributes to Bharatiya Jan Sangh founder Deen Dayal Upadhyaya on his birth anniversary. He also promised a once-in-six months increase of minimum wages linked to the consumer price index. Earlier, these were raised at the rate of 2.31 per cent annually.
BMS' organising secretary Pawan Kumar said the revision in minimum wages was last done in 2007. It was due in 2012 but was delayed by the previous Congress government.
"The state government's Minimum Wage Board has also recommended the number of years to shift from unskilled to semi-skilled category for a worker be reduced from 10 to five years."
The minimum monthly rate of wages for unskilled workers in Punjab is Rs 6,847.75, while it is Rs 6,734.95 in Uttar Pradesh; Rs 5,914 in Rajasthan, Rs 6,240 in Madhya Pradesh and Rs 7,436 in Gujarat.
The minimum wages in Delhi, as effective from April 1, are the highest in the northern region. Minimum wages for unskilled workers in Delhi is Rs 9,048; Rs 10,010 for semi skilled and Rs 10,998 for highly skilled workers.