The Haryana government has earmarked a sum of Rs 500 crore for the construction and maintenance of modern buildings of hospitals, mini secretariat, judicial complexes, community health centres, polytechnics, industrial training institutes and jails in the state during the current financial year.
Announcing this here today, PWD (B&R) Minister Captain Ajay Singh Yadav said that the state government had taken an initiative to provide a modern look to the government buildings for creating a conducive environment in the state. Besides, new buildings were also being constructed to meet the demands of the people.
Yadav said that during the last financial year (2007-08), a sum of Rs 352 crore was incurred for constructing buildings in the state. Of this, 52 major buildings had cost Rs 60 crore, while 12 buildings were completed (as deposit work) costing Rs 14 crore.
Besides, 152 major buildings in the capital costing Rs 527 crore, and 17 buildings (as deposit work) costing about Rs 40 crore were also taken up by the PWD department during the last financial year, he added.
The minister said that the construction work of the various buildings, which will cost about Rs 1,000 crore, was under way.
He also disclosed that during the next financial year, construction of 40 major buildings and 28 buildings (as deposit work), costing Rs 120 crore and Rs 58 crore, respectively, would be taken up by the department.