Even though some private companies in Himachal Pradesh's upcoming industrial belt had helped the state electricity board to set up power lines to their units, the board is now reportedly reluctant to compensate these firms. |
The industrialists say the board took interest-free loans from them in the mid-nineties to set up a 66-kv dedicated electricity feeder line in the Baddi-Barotiwala industrial circle. |
According to the deal, the board had also promised to adjust the amount collected from these companies against their bills once the power infrastructure was set up in the state. |
The electricity lines feeding individual units were installed two years ago but the amount hasn't so far been adjusted against the amount lent to the board, they allege. |
Vardhman Spinning Mills claims it lent Rs 19.6 crore, Birla Textiles Rs 35 lakh, Dabur India Rs 24 lakh. |
Owners of Birla Textiles say Rs 4.7 lakh was collected from them to purchase land for the construction of towers for the high-powered line. |
Rs 86 lakh was paid by the company for the terminal equipment of the lines, the company added. |
The companies allege, even though the work finished two years ago, the board has neither provided details of the costs in setting up the lines, nor has any refund or adjustment taken place against the balance amount. |
When contacted, officials of the state electricity board said once the companies submitted certain required documents, the refund would be made. |
Officials said guidelines for the participation of private companies in infrastructure development were now being finalised by the state electricity regulatory authority to avoid such complications again.
Deadlock |