The Himachal Pradesh government has proposed an international greenfield airport to be built at a cost of Rs 700 crore in the Balh valley of Mandi district.
The state government has sent a proposal to the Union Civil Aviation ministry so that wide-bodied larger aircraft can be accommodated.
"Himachal is the only state in the region which doesn't have a big airport. This is proving to be a big impediment to attracting high-paying foreign tourists to the state," said Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal on Sunday.
"The techno economic feasibility study has already been carried out at the identified site by the Airport Authority of India experts and a report has been submitted to the higher authorities," he said.
The proposed site is close to Sundernagar town, which falls almost in the middle of the state.
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In the near absence of railways and an air network in the state, road travel in the rough terrain is the major source of transport in the hill state.
The state has only three small airports — in Kangra, Kullu and Shimla.
For further connectivity by air, the state government is already creating a vast network of helipads to boost air travel, particularly for the benefit of high spending tourists.