Nineteen industrial projects involving an investment of almost Rs 1,542 crore were cleared on Saturday by the Himachal Pradesh government here. |
"This also includes a Rs 396 crore Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) project to be set up in the state, which will provide 700 jobs," said Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal here on Saturday. |
"Similarly India Cements would be investing Rs 245 crore in the proposed cement plant to be set up at Jawalapur in Sirmaur district, while Shiva Texfabs and Yogindera Worsted would also be making huge investments in the state," he said. |
The State's single-window clearance and monitoring authority met here under the chairmanship of Dhumal. "All the 19 proposals will attract an investment of Rs 1,542 crore and generate employment for 4,118 people." |
Ever since the excise tax holiday was offered by the Central government in early 2003, the state government has attracted an investment proposals worth Rs 29,294 crore. |