An expert today said the explosives used in Saturday's twin blasts in Hyderabad and the May 18 Mecca Masjid blasts in the city were different. "In the Mecca Masjid blasts, a combination of RDX and TNT was used. Here, it is entirely different (as some) ammonium nitrate-based chemical (was used)," T Suresh, chief scientific officer of the CLUES bomb detection squad of Andhra Pradesh, told a news channel. Three months ago, pipes filled with explosives triggered the blasts at Mecca Masjid, he said. Referring to the bomb that was defused in Malapadda area on Saturday night, Suresh said experts found that Neogel-90, an ammonium nitrate-based explosive, was used in it. "That chemical is mixed with small metallic iron balls (and the device) is connected to an alarm clock and detonators connected to a battery," he said. In the case of the blast at Gokul Chat Bhandar, he said the bomb was placed on an ice cream machine, about five feet above the ground, to cause greater impact. |