In the backdrop of questions raised by MNS chief Raj Thackeray over ownership of an apartment by RPI (A) president Ramdas Athawale in Mumbai, the dalit leader today hit back saying he could 'expose' Raj on many issues.
Athawale said if the MNS chief did not refrain from making 'baseless' allegations against him, he could 'expose' him. Raj had recently raised questions over a four-storey apartment owned by Athawale, located adjacent to the residence of Bal Thackeray in Mumbai.
"We are getting requests from many workers and leaders from different parties to join RPI (A). Most of them are from MNS," Athawle said.
RPI (A), Shiv Sena and BJP will hold a joint rally in Mumbai on June 9 to galvanise support for their recently forged alliance in Maharashtra.