After their colleagues in the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in Chennai and Mumbai, it is now the turn of faculty members of IIT-Delhi, to go on a mass casual leave tomorrow in protest against disparities in their pay.
“The faculty association has appealed to all its members to go on a casual leave tomorrow to protest against the government’s decision on the pay issues to IIT staff,” Anurag Sharma, Physics Professor at the institute said.
He said there was no pressure on any faculty member to go on leave, but hoped that almost all the 450 members will abide by the decision.
Professors at IIT-Madras went on a mass causal leave on Friday, while 200 of their colleagues in IIT-Bombay boycotted classes today, demanding pay parity with government scientists.
“IIT professors are losing Rs 23 lakh in their career, compared with government scientists and other officials on similar rank,” Somya Mukherjee, secretary of Faculty Forum IIT-Bombay said.