In 2013, during the Uttarakhand floods, an embattled army and the air force conducted relentless rescue operations for two weeks with 22 Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopters (ALH), flying more than 1,000 sorties to save thousands of lives.
Elsewhere, the Dhruv’s robust Shakti engine, optimised for high altitude flying operations, services the Indian Army’s daunting, 20,000 feet-high pickets on the Himalayan border, including the Siachen Glacier sector.
Yet, the Indian military has one problem with this high-performance, indigenous machine that will form the bulk of its light chopper fleet in the coming decades. It is that only six-seven out
Elsewhere, the Dhruv’s robust Shakti engine, optimised for high altitude flying operations, services the Indian Army’s daunting, 20,000 feet-high pickets on the Himalayan border, including the Siachen Glacier sector.
Yet, the Indian military has one problem with this high-performance, indigenous machine that will form the bulk of its light chopper fleet in the coming decades. It is that only six-seven out