Uttar Pradesh governor Ram Naik released a report on Monday on his activities during the three months in office. Edited by his daughter Vishakha Kulkarni, the pictorial dossier, titled, Raj Bhawan mein Ram Naik, primarily contains print media reports about Raj Bhawan and the governor. This is probably the first instance in the history of India, when a serving governor has released such a dossier for public and media consumption.
Addressing the media, Naik said he had always published similar reports during the long innings he had in active politics in Mumbai, both as a legislator and a parliamentarian. Noting that many people thought that the gubernatorial responsibility was rather passive and leisurely, he asserted it was not true.
Over the last three months, Naik has opened the gates of Raj Bhawan for common people and has quite actively been meeting people, media persons and delegations. He said he believed in transparency and the right of people to know about the activities of Raj Bhawan, to clear misgivings and air of secrecy, especially in the ‘information age’.
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Replying to a question, he said he had been talking to the state chief minister on the law and order situation and had also written letters on the issue.