Industrial production rose a whopping 134.44 per cent in April on a low year-on-year (YoY) base against 24.14 per cent in March, data released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) on Friday showed. “For April 2021, quick estimates of the index of industrial production (IIP), with base 2011-12, stands at 126.6," the statistics office said.
However, this jump in the factory output is partial data, due to the effect of state-imposed restrictions amid the second wave.
“It may be noted that the nationwide lockdown and other measures implemented to restrict the spread of Covid-19 from the end of
However, this jump in the factory output is partial data, due to the effect of state-imposed restrictions amid the second wave.
“It may be noted that the nationwide lockdown and other measures implemented to restrict the spread of Covid-19 from the end of