India would achieve the target of 175 GW of installed renewable energy capacities well before 2022, a senior government official said on Friday.
"India would achieve its target of 175 GW of installed renewable energy capacity well before 2022 for which bidding process would be completed on time and International Solar Alliance (ISA) shall help mobilise sufficient funds for solar energy projects, said New & Renewable Energy Secretary Anand Kumar at a PHDCCI event.
Kumar said in the statement issued by an industry body that over the years the renewable energy has become cheaper and is set to replace conventional energy, which is a healthy development, and added that India has one of the fastest growing renewable energy programmes in the world.
He stressed that the country would achieve its target of 175 GW of installed renewable energy capacity well before 2022 adding that ISA shall help mobilise sufficient funds for solar energy projects.
Prime Minister wants India to be an innovation hub for which we have to start thinking and supporting about the new ideas for renewable sources particularly in solar energy with the objective of providing renewable energy to the common man as an affordable pricing, he added.
He said the ISA is an excellent idea which helps millions of people to provide universal energy excess.
The ISA is conceived as a coalition of solar resource rich countries to address their special energy needs and to provide a platform to collaborate on addressing the identified gaps through a common, agreed approach. It has the backing of around 121 countries rich in solar energy, the secretary said.