India has not yet authorised its investigators to share information regarding the Mumbai terror attacks with the Interpol, the chief of the Paris-based global police agency said here today. “To date India’s government has not authorised India's police agencies to enter any data relating to the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai in Interpol's databases,” Interpol Secretary General Ronald K Noble told reporters. “No information has been shared. We are hopeful that it will happen very quickly,” he said after a meeting with Pakistan's Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik.
An Interpol incident response team had been deployed in India to gather evidence and information to be shared with police databases around the world.
"Interpol's instant Response Team was deployed to India several days ago with the goal of gathering evidence and information which the Interpol could put in police databases that will be acceptable to Pakistan and all other countries around the world," he said. "So far no names have been provided by the Indian police and law enforcement authority or the government to Interpol to enter in its databases,” Noble said. He said Interpol had not received any information that would allow him to comment on the accuracy of media reports about the nationality and identity of the attackers.
Meanwhile, in New Delhi, a top government official said India did not want to give any "half-baked" findings to any international body on the Mumbai terror strikes and such a process would be undertaken only after investigations were complete. “We did share some (basic) information with Interpol. But unless the investigation is complete, how can we share the (full) information,” CBI Director Ashwini Kumar told reporters here.