Business Standard

Indian skilled workers to get job opportunities in 14 sectors in Japan

A joint working group will be set up to follow up the implementation of this MOC


The memorandum would enhance people-to -people contacts, foster mobility of workers and skilled professionals from India to Japan, an official statement said.

Indivjal Dhasmana New Delhi
Workers skilled in 14 specified areas such as nursing , construction etc will now be able to work in Japan, provided they know the Japanese language.
The Cabinet approved signing of a memorandum of co-operation between India and Japan on a Basic Framework for Partnership for Proper Operation of the System Pertaining to "Specified Skilled Worker".

This would set up an institutional mechanism for partnership and co-operation between the two countries on sending and accepting skilled Indian workers to work in 14 specified sectors in Japan. These Indian workers would be granted a new status of residence of "specified skilled

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