Comparing the Gohana by-poll victory to the Pandavas' win over Kauravas, Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda announced at a public rally here, "an 300-acre industrial estate will be set up near Gohana to combat unemployment."
He also said the government would bear half the cost of laying a railway line between Sonepat and Jind via Gohana.
"A railway line has already been commissioned by the Railways, Haryana government is giving Rs 500 crore to the Railways for the project to connect Gohana with New Delhi," he said at the "Dhanyavad Rally".
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Assuring people that there would not be any dearth of funds for development, he said that the setting up of an industrial estate and laying of the railway line through the town would open new opportunities for employment and generate employment.
He said the by-poll was the "Mahabharat of today's politics and Pandavas have won. I have come here to congratulate you on your victory. This win is for the people of Gohana."
Congress' Jasbir Singh Malik defeated Dharampal Singh Malik (Harayana Janhit Congress) by 22,000 votes in the assembly by-election recently.
Hooda said that this was the vindication of the "good governance" by the Congress government.