Industries in Goa are facing major water crisis besides the continuing power shortages. But the state's ambition of becoming a major industrial hub remains on tracks. |
According to the Goa Chambers of Commerce and Industries (GCCI), there are 6,500 small scale industries (SSI) and 145 medium and large-scale units in the state. |
An infrastructure report of the GCCI shows that on an average water requirement of industries in the north Goa is 20.57 MLD (million litre per day). |
In south Goa, it is 37.22 MLD per day. These are 2001 figures and the demand may have increased several fold now. The GCCI report estimates that the demand from industries by 2011 will be around 200 MLD. |
K P Nambiar, principal chief engineer of the public works department of the state said that the department may not be able to fulfill the demand from industries. "Currently, there is a supply gap of 20 MLD," he said. |
According to R S Kamat, director, GCCI, some industries might require only treated water while others require both raw water for their processes and treated water for sanitation. |
"Despite the shortage, GCCI has not received any major complaint from industries, because they buy water from private parties," he added. |
While blaming the authorities, Kamat also found fault with the industries, as they are not able to project their actual requirement. |
"Though there is a water shortage, the government is still planning to set up new industrial parks, thereby aggravating the problem," he lamented. |