Headline inflation, as measured by wholesale price index (WPI) stood at 8 per cent for the week ended November 29, as compared to 8.4 per cent in the previous week. It was 3.89 per cent during the corresponding week last year.
Inflation rate for primary articles - which has a weight of 22 per cent in the index number - fell to 11.66 per cent in the reported week as compared to 11.98 per cent in the previous week.
However, inflation rate for food articles increased marginally by 4 basis points (one basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point) to 10.52 per cent in the seven days upto November 29, 2008.
The annual inflation rate for the two other groups - fuel and manufactured products - were not given, but their index numbers remained unchanged from previous week's number.
The inflation number for the week ended October 17, 2008 has been revised upwards by 5 basis point to 11.49 per cent. The provisional numbers are revised after a gap of two months.