With no Union minister present to project the state as a preferred investment destination and demonetisation hitting the small-scale cash-based industries hard, West Bengal could attract investment commitments only worth Rs 2,35,290 crore at the 2017 edition of the Bengal Global Business Summit, the lowest since the branding of the state’s business potential kicked off.
The investment proposals this year is lower by 6 per cent as compared to the previous year, when the state secured commitments worth Rs 2,50,253.74 crore.
The 2017 edition of the summit lacked participation from the top doyens of the industry in the
The investment proposals this year is lower by 6 per cent as compared to the previous year, when the state secured commitments worth Rs 2,50,253.74 crore.
The 2017 edition of the summit lacked participation from the top doyens of the industry in the