Shashi Sinha, the chief executive of IPG Mediabrands India, has been appointed the chairman of the technical committee at the Broadcast Audience Research Council or BARC, which is working on a new television viewership system following a brief suspension of TAM's viewership ratings in the wake of allegations of fraud made by broadcaster NDTV.
Ex-STAR India hand Paritosh Joshi will also be part of the technical committee besides Hindustan Unilever executive Smita Bhosale. The formation of the technical committee, say persons in the know, will help in establishing how television viewership should be measured.
BARC, which consists of members of the Indian Broadcasting Federation, Indian Society of Advertisers and Advertising Agencies Association of India, will take into account the recommendations made by the technical committee before working out the final draft of the new system, sources said.
The new viewership system is likely to be in place next year.