In the backdrop of concerns voiced by senior citizens and in order to study the issues involved as well as to make recommendations, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda) has constituted a seven-member committee on health insurance for senior citizens. |
The committee will be headed by KS Sastry, former chairman of National Housing Bank, and its members will include V Hariharan (former president of Sundaram Fasteners), AN Sood (president of the Delhi Federation of Association of Senior Citizens), KN Babdari (secretary general of General Insurance Council of India), BD Banarjee (former chairman and managing director of The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd), C Chandrasekhar (chief marketing officer of Apollo DKV Insurance Company Ltd), and Nimish R Parekh (chief executive officer of Parekh Health Management Pvt Ltd). |
Irda stated on its website that it had received representations relating to entry barriers for the aged, refusal of renewals, imposition of harsh terms without justification, sharp increase in premium rates, delays in claims service, etc. |
The terms of reference for the committee are: |