The value of software exports from Tamil Nadu rose by 29 per cent in 2008-09 to Rs 36,680 crore in 2008-2009 from Rs 28,426 crore, a year ago. In conformity with the policy of this government that the employment opportunities generated by IT sector should be dispersed to all parts of the state, said Tamil Nadu Finance Minister K Anbazhagan in his budget speech for 2010-11.
He added, IT parks are being established in Municipal corporations like Coimbatore, Madurai and Trichy. ‘TIDEL’ IT Park at Coimbatore being established at an estimated cost of Rs 380 crore and will be completed by May 2010.
Tamil Nadu State Wide Area Network which connects headquarters of various departments of state government with offices at district, divisional and block levels through internet will be expanded at a cost of Rs 22 crore, he said.