Jammu & Kashmir has generated the most number of jobs among all the states and Union territories under the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) in the current fiscal year. The credit-linked subsidy scheme facilitates employment generation opportunities by assisting in setting up of new self-employment projects and microenterprises in the non-farm sector.
Under the central sector scheme notified in 2008, 62,808 jobs were created by 7,851 assisted projects in Jammu & Kashmir till November 30 this year, followed by Uttar Pradesh (50,904 jobs), Karnataka (27,944 jobs) and Tamil Nadu (27,232 jobs), according to the information provided by the
Under the central sector scheme notified in 2008, 62,808 jobs were created by 7,851 assisted projects in Jammu & Kashmir till November 30 this year, followed by Uttar Pradesh (50,904 jobs), Karnataka (27,944 jobs) and Tamil Nadu (27,232 jobs), according to the information provided by the