AIADMK leader Jayalalithaa today claimed that the Tamil Nadu government had refused to pay the daily allowance to security personnel on poll duty and alleged that the ruling DMK might create violence in the event of their absence.
Speaking to reporters after casting her vote at a polling station here, she appealed to the Election Commission to take cognisance of the issue and act accordingly.
"I have got information that the Chief Secretary is going to refuse or has already refused to pay the daily allowance of Rs 300 to the security personnel who are in Tamil Nadu for the Assembly polls", Jayalalithaa said.
"The Election Commission should take cognisance of this information and act accordingly", she said.
She said since the government refused to pay their allowance, the over one lakh security personnel have planned to go on a strike today.
"Taking this as cover, the DMK men may create violence and can cast bogus votes..., she alleged.
Jayalalithaa, who is contesting from Srirangam constituency, expressed confidence that her party along with alliance parties would win the polls and form the government.