Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Wednesday announced bonus to the tune of Rs 476.71 crore to the employees of various state public sector undertaking companies, in view of forthcoming festive season.
About 3.67 lakh eligible employees would receive bonus of a minimum Rs 8,400 up to Rs 16,800 per month for the period 2015-16, a press release from Chief Minister's Office said.
Jayalalithaa said a bonus of 20 per cent, including 8.33 per cent of bonus and 11.67 per cent ex-gratia would be given to the employees of those PSUs which have reported profits.
For those employees of PSUs which have reported losses, she said, "They will get a bonus of 10 per cent including, 8.33 per cent bonus plus 1.67 per cent ex-gratia."
Employees of the State Electricity Board, Transport Corporations, Civil Supplies Corporation will receive a hike of 20 per cent including 8.33 per cent bonus and 11.67 per cent ex-gratia, she added.
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Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Chennai Metrowater Supply and Sewerage Board 'C' and 'D' section employees will receive 10 per cent hike including 8.33 per cent bonus and 1.67 per cent ex-gratia, she said.
Besides announcing the bonus to eligible staff of PSUs, Jayalalithaa said a bonus of Rs 4,000 will be given to contract employees of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Rs 3,000 to temporary workers of Civil Supplies Corporation and those employees of Co-operative Societies which do not come under the bonus scheme.
"The eligible permanent employees of the PSUs will receive a minimum hike of Rs 8,400 to a maximum of Rs 16,800 per month. The 3.67 lakh employees of various public sector companies will receive a total of Rs 476.71 crore as bonus," she said.