Jharkhand, which is now under President’s Rule, has woken up to the necessity of more bomb squads in the wake of rising Naxalite, terrorist and criminal threats. The council of advisors to the Governor has sanctioned funds of Rs 20.87 crore for raising 10 more bomb disposal squads.
According to the plan, each battalion of the Jharkhand Armed Police (JAP) will be equipped with its own bomb disposal squad. The JAP has been functioning in the state with 10 battalions having bomb disposal squads and a special training camp at Padma in Hazaribag. According to Inspector General of Police (provision & spokesperson) SN Pradhan, they had 100 trained police personnel for bomb disposal. The bomb disposal squads will be equipped with the latest equipment. It may be mentioned that during the past few months, Jharkhand police received numerous hoax calls about bombs being planted in shopping malls, trains and other installations.