Accredited journalists will be issued photo identification-cum-credit cards by the railways to get reservation and a 50 per cent concession.
While presenting the Railway Budget for 2009-10 in Parliament, Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee said instead of giving coupons, a practice in vogue till now, it is now proposed to issue photo identification-cum-credit cards.
These cards will be issued on the basis of certification by the Press Information Bureau (PIB) and other competent state and local authorities.
Facilities will also be provided to get compact accommodation for both the press correspondents and their family members who are not availing these concessions.
"In addition, concession of 30 per cent will be increased to 50 per cent for press correspondents and permission to travel with spouse at 50 per cent concession will be given once a year," she said, looking up at the press gallery.