Denied appointment by the Prime Minister, Karnataka chief minister Jagadish Shettar on Wednesday criticised Manmohan Singh for the September 19 order of Cauvery River Authority headed by him on release of water to Tamil Nadu, and said it had no basis and was an “injustice” to the state.
Shettar left here on Sunday to meet the Prime Minister, also chairman of the Cauvery River Authority, to discuss the latest developments on the issue and personally file the petition seeking review of the order to release 9,000 cusecs daily to Tamil Nadu from September 19 to October 15.
The chief minister, who returned here yesterday after the Prime Minister refused to meet him, confirmed to reporters, in response to questions, that an appointment was not given, and the petition was filed at the Prime Minister’s Office.
“The CRA order (by PM) has no basis at all,” Shettar said. “The decision was taken without any proper discussion.” He said at the September 19 meeting itself he told the Prime Minister that the order was an injustice to Karnataka and it would lead to severe consequences.
Karnataka had taken the position that an expert committee should be sent to the state first to assess the ground realities before any decision but that appeal was not considered.
On Tamil Nadu government’s decision to file a contempt plea, Shettar said the legal team would be consulted for taking a decision on the matter.