Judge O P Saini remanded Shekhar M Deorukhkar, an aide of Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chief Suresh Kalmadi, to Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) custody for two more days. The investigating agency probing the CWG overlays scam had arrested Deorukhkar on February 12.
During the proceedings at the Patiala House Court on Thursday, Deorukhkar’s advocate N Hariharan told the court his client was assaulted by the sleuths. “CBI officials had slapped him (Deorukhkar) during interrogation.”
The judge cautioned CBI officers, but extended Deorukhkar’s demand. “Since the investigation is not yet complete and the accused is not cooperating with the investigative agency, his police custody remand may be extended by two days. Police interrogation is required to unearth the entire conspiracy,”said Saini.
In its submission before the court, CBI said Deorukhkar was evasive during questioning and needs to be kept for “sustained interrogation.”