The Lok Sabha today approved the bill making it mandatory for private sports channels to share live feed of national sporting events with Doordarshan. The bill was passed amidst protest from the opposition parties. The bill will replace the ordinance issued by the government in February. Introducing the Sports Broadcasting Signals (mandatory sharing with Prasar Bharati bill), 2007 bill, P R Dasmunsi, Minister of Information and Broadcasting said there was no other alternative but to bring the ordinance and the bill. This was done to enable cricket lovers across the country to watch matches of the World Cup starting on March 11. With the bill passed, sports broadcasters will now have to share the live feed of all cricket matches played in India. Also, broadcasters will have to share live feed of all one day international matches involving India played anywhere in the world. However, the sharing of test matches involving India played at international venues is exempted under the bill. |