Amid reports of a rift between Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan and former Chief Minister and the current Industry Minister Babu Lal Gaur, the department of industries has started a process of arranging an interactive meet of a 12-member delegation from Bahrain with Chauhan in New Delhi. |
The delegation will explore the potential of funding some multi dimension projects of Madhya Pradesh. |
Speaking exclusively to Business Standard, Chauhan told Business Standard, "Industrial investment is top on the agenda, and I will interact with the delegation at New Delhi and will try to come back home with positive results." |
The delegation, which according to a government source, "had been told that the chief minister would remain unavailable," will now interact with Chouhan in New Delhi at the Hotel Taj Man Singh on September 16. |
The source told Business Standard, "Top officials in the department of industries have cancelled the interactive meet. Even the process of informing the Union ministry of external affairs began today." |
The delegation, led by former Labour and Social Affairs Minister of Bahrain Abdulnabi Al Sho'ala, who is also group chairman, Al Fanar Investment Co. |
WLL and Fanar Capital Bahrain, will explore financial tie-ups as equity partner with some projects in tourism, medical tourism, infrastructure, five star hotels, entertainment and similar other projects, said the source. |