The Madhya Pradesh government is wants a more accurate picture of gross state domestic production (GSDP) and is, therefore, working on its own Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
At present, the state government extrapolates from the national IIP to calculate the industrial sector’s contribution to GSDP.
For the new state index, meetings with various industrial associations and key industrialists are planned.
It will also engage statistics department staff in the field.
"We want a fair number of the industrial sector's contribution to GSDP, so that we will be able to release our first IIP by October," an official told Business Standard.
Mining and manufacturing contributed Rs 55,229 crore (advance estimates) to GSDP during 2010-11, of which the registered manufacturing sector was Rs 17,814 crore. contribution and unregistered contributed Rs 721,660.
The state’s per capita income was Rs 33,906 in 2010-11 at current prices, while its GDP was Rs 2.7 lakh crore.