Rahul Mahajan continued to be interrogated by the Delhi police on Wednesday for his role in the alleged consumption of banned substances last Thursday night, even as late BJP leader Pramod Mahajan's key aide Harish Sharma and his driver Ganesh, accused of destruction of evidence in the case, were granted bail. |
The bail was granted after they produced personal bonds of Rs 50,000 each and one surety of like amount at the Tughlaq Road police station here. |
"The duo was granted bail as they were charged with destruction of evidence, which is a bailable offence," senior police officials said. |
The two had been arrested when it was pointed out that the glasses used by Mahajan and Moitra on the fateful night were cleaned and the vomit wiped from the floors. Servants at the house had disclosed that the order to clean up had allegedly been given by Sharma. |
The viscera report of Vivek Moitra, former aide of Pramod Mahajan who lost his life on the night, came out positive for narcotic substances. Moitra's post mortem had been conducted at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). |