Maharashtra on Monday asked the Centre for assistance of Rs 2,400 crore under Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)and Integrated Watershed Management Programmes (IWDP), a chunk of which included funds that were not disbursed in 2012-13 and 2103-14 that has led to delay in payment of contractors and labourers.
In a meeting with Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley, held here, Maharashtra Rural Development Minister, Pankaja Munde and Minister for State Deepak Kesarkar urged the central government's funding assistance to the tune of Rs 1500 crore and Rs 900 core under Prime Minister Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)and Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWDP).
Underlining the importance of expediting the implementation of infrastructure projects in the state, the two Maharashtra ministers discussed the issues at length with Jaitley.
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"Under the five-year plan, Rs 3400 crores were sanctioned under PMGSY. Under Phase-I, Rs 1431 crore were approved for the 2010-2012. Under Phase-II, Rs 1572 core of assistance was approved but the money has not been disbursed to the state government so far for 2012-13 and 2013-14. Last year, the state received central funding to the tune of Rs 336 crores.
"Under PMGSY, the dues of the labourers and contractors are to be cleared and for this, Rs 1500 crore is needed. As per the directive guidelines of PMGSY, the provision of 50 per cent central assistance amount of the project should be disbursed to the state on advance basis," said a statement quoting Munde and Kesarkar.